Spokane SEO Agency

Writing SEO Content in Spokane & Spokane Valley

To comprehend what a digital marketer means when they mention writing SEO content, it can be helpful first to understand the phrase in its simplest form:

  • “SEO” refers to Search Engine Optimization, which is simply the practice of improving a website so folks can track it down on significant search engines like Google, Bing, & Yahoo.
  • When we say “content,” this can be a wide range of material (more on that later) that lives on the web. Our specialty is creating content for businesses in Spokane, WA. 

Creating SEO content is all about giving people real value.

Unfortunately, we can’t tell you every single thing we know about optimizing content for search engines here; simply because that’s how we earn a living. But to understand what we offer your business, here’s a simple outline of what it takes to be successful when writing Spokane SEO content in 2022 and beyond:

  • Keyword Research: To bring in additional traffic from search, you must be a master of keyword research before you even begin to write. It’s imperative to focus on keywords that already garner a healthy amount of volume – in other words, you essentially write with a particular direction in mind while staying on a topic that people are already searching for.
  • Keyword Optimization: Knowing when and where to use keywords while writing SEO content leads to maximum relevance scores from Google.
  • Content Organization: Content on your website needs to be arranged sensibly. It is excellent for your SEO, but it also helps visitors on your site discover any other relevant content you have to offer very quickly.
  • Content Promotion: After you write something, you’ll want to quickly increase the visibility of that new content by sharing it to all of your connected social networks while simultaneously attracting backlinks to your content (you’ll also want to focus on your internal linking structure).

📌 ALSO: A Quick Word on Search Ranking Intent

Pleasing the search engines (who will return the favor with better search rankings over time) is one thing. However, you also need to consider your potential customers, and to do this, you must offer value within your written content that far exceeds your search engine optimization methods. 

If you start writing your content with the intention of solely to push your website up in SERPS or get larger numbers of search engine traffic (hits), you will likely be disappointed with the entire process of content creation – and that would be because you’re DOING IT WRONG. Now, if you reverse that process, you’ll probably have an epiphany. 

Don’t ever try to “fake” it when you sit down to write your Spokane area SEO content if all you’re trying to do is obtain a high rank and bring in those juicy click-throughs. As a rule of thumb, if your content doesn’t provide any additional value to a search engine user, press “delete” and try something else. 

Webmasters who opt-in to this terrible strategy regardless and publish “thin,” low-value content anyways – can expect to be heavily penalized by Google at some point down the road. Google has been accelerating the pace at which they lower rankings for these kinds of spammy websites for quite some time now.

We’ve seen several of our clients’ Spokane & Spokane Valley competitors get knocked down by recent changes to Google’s algorithms. Many sites have been slowly losing their existing rankings because they’re either unaware of established webmaster guidelines, or they simply haven’t looked into how they can go about writing SEO content for Spokane in an appropriate fashion. In recent years I would estimate most websites are now being penalized for performance related issues (heavy websites that don’t load quickly).

One last thing to note is that Google has eyes everywhere and they measure web traffic in a variety of ways through the Google Analytics (and webmaster tools) suite – which just about every webmaster on the planet makes use of. For that reason, they usually have some idea of a website’s performance information before the owner of the website does! 

If Google’s bot army spots a poorly built website that isn’t being maintained, has high bounce rates and, conversely, meager conversion rates (sales/leads) – one could reasonably expect that a site like this will see their rankings drops over time. 

When Google measures your business website, will you make the grade?

Contact us for a FREE evaluation to see if we would be a good fit for your business!

We help our clients craft custom articles and blog posts designed to be paired up with branded social media graphics & 100% unique copywriting.

You might also be interested in our article on the pitfalls of doing your own SEO or you might want to learn about content optimization directly from the horse’s mouth (via Google’s webmaster guidelines).

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