Spokane SEO

How a Social Media Manager Can Benefit You

Spokane social media manager can be a major lifesaver in revamping your business’s visibility for local Spokane customers. Improving your presence as a business in the Spokane area is leaning more and more toward powerful digital marketing.

Long gone are the days of solid referrals and word of mouth. Nowadays, more and more shoppers are turning to social media to find local businesses they want to try out, whether it be a coffee shop, a boutique, or a new restaurant.

If you’re a business owner, that means it’s time to turn your attention back to social media. And no, that doesn’t mean you can bust out the same marketing strategy you had five years ago. The technological landscape is constantly changing, and you have to change with it.

However, that demand can be a lot for any serious business owner. Outside of managing your employees and keeping up with clients’ demands, having to focus on not just social media but any other marketing avenues you’d like to explore can get overwhelming quickly.

You Need Spokane Social Media Managers in 2023

The need for good social media management might initially seem like a backburner thought. After all, how hard is it to post a few photos on Instagram and make a post or two on Facebook once a week?

However, as any business owner will tell you, social media isn’t quite as easy as it’s cracked up to be. That’s why you see dozens of businesses’ social media accounts abandoned, with their last post being four or five years ago. Those cute photos and fun updates quickly gather dust as business owners, unaware of how to fully take advantage of their social media presence, totally give up on the project.

However, that is not the route you should be taking. Social media is one of the best ways to get new traffic to your business, and a Spokane social media manager can help get you there.

However, the question remains: How can a social media manager bring in new business? It’s a valid concern, but one with an answer that can take your business to the next level.

How Having a Social Media Manager Benefits You

A solid social media manager should be able to juggle a multitude of tasks related to your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and whatever else you may be on.

All of these tasks, however, start with growing your audience, something that studies have shown social media helps with. By creating a public, notable brand, people are much more likely to reach out and try to connect, whether through something as simple as liking/following or, ideally, getting an actual sale.

social media manager

However, just having a public presence won’t get you new business. The real work for a Spokane social media manager begins by staying up to date with the latest social media updates and managing client relationships, all while tracking the actual value of their marketing strategy.

Social media is an ever-changing landscape, which is why it’s vital for social media managers to stay on top of how Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram change their feeds to process the influx of content they’re getting.

They also need to keep an eye out for new social media platforms. TikTok is an excellent example, with its popularity having grown insanely fast over the past few years. These kinds of changes demand attention, attention that a social media manager can pay.

Social media managers also (usually) end up being a front-facing personality for your company. Customers often reach out directly to a business’s Instagram or Facebook for help. A good Spokane social media manager can help manage those questions and inquiries.

Finally, a social media manager can track the flow of business you’re getting from your marketing efforts, as well as see how their current campaigns are doing. This information will help them (and you) get a better sense of how to redirect their current marketing directives if they aren’t working (or double down on them if they are).

So Spokane Business Owners.. How We Can Help You?

If you’re looking to up your social media game here in the Spokane area, we would love to help you.

At August SEO, we work closely with our clients to help them achieve a brand presence and voice consistent with their vision while also using our expertise to open up new doors for potential clients.

Feel free to give us a shout at our toll-free number, 1-509-381-2700! You can also use our contact page. We’d love to talk more with you about how to best use social media for your company in the coming year!

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