Spokane SEO Agency

Time to Call Out the SEO Pretenders: Stop Sabotaging Businesses with False Promises

Let’s not beat around the bush. We’re getting seriously fed up with “SEO pretenders” such as web designers, social media “gurus,” and self-proclaimed “full-stack” digital marketing agencies tacking on SEO services like it’s just another item on a checklist.

SEO isn’t a trendy add-on to upsell clients—it’s a specialized and evolving craft that requires dedication, ongoing education, and an intimate understanding of how search engines work.

We frequently hear things like, “SEO is dead” or “SEO doesn’t matter anymore.” It just doesn’t really add up. If it were true, we wouldn’t consistently rank at or near the top for local competitive organic SEO keywords.

For example, if you search “Spokane SEO agency” right now, you’ll see sokaneseo.agency and augustseo.com are at the top of the results—typically in the #2 or #3 spots (if not first). That’s not a fluke—it results from real strategy and hard work and we rank terms like this regularly.


It’s about time we addressed the elephant in the room and called out the agencies doing more harm than good by pretending they know SEO. These “SEO-for-hire” shops are only after a quick buck and couldn’t care less about the long-term damage they cause.

Quick Buck Mentality: They Profit, You Lose

Here’s what these agencies are after—a quick, easy payday. They lure businesses in with flashy promises and vague assurances of online success. The sales pitch is smooth, their claims are enticing, and it might even seem like something is happening for the first month or two. Maybe you’ll see a slight uptick in traffic, or perhaps a keyword or two moves up the ranks.

But let’s be honest: these “gains” are as shallow as they come, certainly not part of a long-term strategy.

By month three or six, you’re left scratching your head, wondering why your rankings have plateaued, why leads aren’t flowing in, and why their “brilliant SEO plan” hasn’t delivered any meaningful results. When you ask tough questions, they’ve already pocketed your money and moved on to their next target. They don’t care that you’re left with nothing to show for it.

This false start approach drives us insane. These agencies aren’t in it for your long-term growth—they’re in it to pad their bottom line. When things fall apart, they shrug and move on to the next unsuspecting business, leaving you to pick up the pieces.

Consider This a Friendly Wake-Up Call

This is a severe warning if you’re an agency dabbling in SEO without genuinely understanding the craft. We’re here to expose those playing fast and loose with SEO promises. And make no mistake, we’re just getting started. This isn’t about creating drama—it’s about protecting businesses from being misled and ensuring the SEO industry holds itself to the high standards it should.

Some of you may be thinking, “Uh oh, are they talking about us?” Maybe. You might want to reconsider how you’re handling SEO, outsource it to someone who can do the job, or stop offering it altogether. All options are better than pretending. (Just saying!)

Why You Should Care if You’re an Agency

  • You’re Undermining Client Trust: When you provide half-baked SEO services, you’re doing more than just wasting a client’s budget—you’re almost certainly actively harming their business. SEO is a long-term game, so misleading clients with quick fixes or shady tactics will inevitably damage their online presence.
  • You’re Diluting Industry Standards: Every time a business gets burned by poor SEO, it makes them skeptical of the entire industry. It becomes harder for real professionals to prove their value when clients have already been scammed by pretenders offering “SEO.”
  • Setting Clients Up for Future Failure: Search engines don’t take kindly to bad practices. If you’re using outdated or black-hat tactics, you’re sabotaging your clients’ long-term success. And when their rankings tank and the site get penalized, trust us, you won’t be on their Christmas card list.

If you can’t do SEO right—don’t do it. You’re playing a dangerous game with your clients’ reputations, and we’re here to ensure the truth comes out.

Businesses, Don’t Get Duped: Here’s What You Need to Know

We get it—SEO can be confusing. The rules seem to change constantly, and with so many agencies claiming they can boost your rankings, it’s hard to know who to trust. But falling for the wrong agency’s pitch can be catastrophic for your business. SEO isn’t magic. It’s a science requiring real expertise to do it right.

The Real Danger of Hiring SEO Pretenders

These agencies know how to make themselves look like experts. They dress up their services with fancy jargon, inflated promises, and slick presentations. But here’s the truth: natural SEO doesn’t happen overnight.

  • Short-Term Gains, Long-Term Losses: These pretenders will focus on short-term results to keep you around for a few months. Once you realize nothing substantial is happening, you’ve already wasted the time and money that could have been spent on real SEO work.
  • Cutting Corners Won’t Cut It: Many agencies rely on cookie-cutter solutions or outdated tactics like keyword stuffing or cheap link-building schemes. These might boost your ranking briefly, but search engines will catch on. When they do, your site could face penalties that take months—or even years—to recover from.

How to Avoid Getting Burned

Here’s how to spot an SEO pretender before they drain your marketing budget:

  • Grandiose Promises: If an agency guarantees you’ll be “#1 on Google in a month” or promises immediate, dramatic results—run. Organic SEO takes time, strategy, and most of all persistence.
  • Lack of Transparency: SEO isn’t some secret formula. A legitimate agency should be able to explain precisely what it’s doing, how it works, and why it matters. If it’s vague or evasive about its tactics, it’s hiding something.
  • No Proven Track Record: Don’t just take anyone’s word for it. Ask for multiple case studies and client testimonials, or, best of all – ask them to show you CURRENT search results. If they can’t show you anything, put them into the “massive red flag” column.

August SEO: We Do It the Right Way

We don’t believe in shortcuts, gimmicks, or smoke-and-mirrors at August SEO. We’re dedicated to the art and science of SEO and work to ensure our clients see sustained long-term success. There’s no fluff here—just measurable, data-driven results that help your business grow.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Real Expertise: SEO is what we do. Our team lives and breathes it, and we’re constantly refining our techniques to keep up with the latest trends and algorithm changes.
  • Tailored Strategies: No two businesses are the same, and neither are their SEO needs. We take the time to understand your unique goals and challenges and craft a custom strategy that delivers results for your specific situation.
  • Honesty and Transparency: We believe in keeping you informed every step of the way. There’s no secret sauce—just hard work, proven techniques, and clear communication.

Let’s Clean Up This Industry

We’re calling on all agencies to step up their SEO game or stop pretending they can offer it. If SEO isn’t your thing, that’s okay—focus on what you do best. But don’t deceive clients into thinking you can deliver the goods if you can’t!

The Bottom Line: Don’t Settle for Less

Your online presence is one of your most valuable assets, and it’s too important to leave in the hands of amateurs. Don’t settle for an agency that treats SEO like an afterthought or a quick buck.

Demand better—because you deserve better.

Together, we can restore the SEO industry to principles based on trust, expertise, and lasting results. Let’s end the SEO smoke and mirrors and give businesses the quality services they deserve. Contact us or get your FREE analysis so we can help you determine if you’d be a good fit for our services!

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